Powering the City at FCL Global Conference, ETH Zürich

We are very proud of our installation at the FCL Global conference! The two LED-light domes visualize time-resolved data (dynamic grid emissions, building energy demand, solar irradiation, air temperature) throughout the year in Zurich and Singapore, while the AR application illustrates EV mobility flow, ZEV local PV energy trading, and building energy demand.
In our research in the Powering the City" (POW) module, we find architectural, technical, infrastructural, and socioeconomic solutions to a large-scale urban decarbonization by increasing solar energy production on buildings.
For those who couldn't make it to the conference at the ETH Zurich Main Building last week, the exhibition is still open to the public at Campus Hönggerberg until May 2024!
Big thanks to the whole team from Zurich, Singapore, Gothenburg and New York:
Justin McCarty, Ayca Duran, Maximilian Gester, Alina Galimshina, Jidong Kang, Jiazu Zhou, Seanglidet Yean, Shin Woei Leow, Roger Boltshauser, Tien Foo Sing, Yuming Fu, Francis Bu-Sung Lee, Markus Schläpfer, Alexander Hollberg, Alessandra Gabaglio, Christoph Waibel, Arno Schlueter and the Master in Integrated Building Systems, ETH Zürich's students Rino Sogno and Chen Chiu who have developed the LED-light domes and AR applications as part of their semester projects.