
Virtual Neighborhood Load Emulation (VILLE)

Duration /
2020 - …

A/S Team /
S. Hsieh, D. Thomas, A. Popova, A. Schlueter

Key Partners /


VILLE is a sub-task of the ReMaP project (Renewable Management and Real-Time Control Platform) led by the Energy Science Center. ReMaP aims to enable researchers to study future energy systems, which feature decentralized, renewable energy production, digitized control systems, and vehicle electrification. Various project partners of ReMaP are working together to build a hardware (ESI, NEST, move) and a software platform that connect our research outputs.

VILLE aims to provide urban building energy models and building systems models to depict future scenarios in Switzerland. These models will enable our project partners to study their technologies or control algorithms with plausible scenarios in the future. The City Energy Analyst is the main research tool and will be developed further within the scope of this project.