Printed Performance

Macroporous Thermal Resistance, 2021 © Architecture and Building Systems, ETH Zurich

Duration /
2020 - 2023

Funding /
ETH Research Grant

A/S Team /
B. Seshadri, I. Hischier, A. Schlueter

Collaboration /
Shaping Matter Lab, TU Delft (Prof. Dr. Kunal Masania)

Publications /

Seshadri B, Ravi K, Hischier I, Schlueter A, “Investigating mechanical and thermophysical properties of binder-jet 3D printed elements using a statistical experiment approach”, Rapid Prototyping (Accepted for publication July 2021)

Seshadri B, Cheibas I, Leschok M, Piccioni V, Hischier I, Schlueter A, “Parametric design of an additive manufactured building façade for bespoke response to solar radiation”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series CISBAT21, Lausanne, Switzerland, Sept 2021 (Accepted for publication)

Inspired by high-performance thermal engineering applications, the research project uses digital fabrication techniques to engineer sophisticated heat- and mass-transfer mechanisms into building elements (e.g., facades, roofs, and floor slabs). By fabricating bespoke macro-, meso- and micro-scale geometry, the thermophysical characteristics of DFAB building elements can be tuned to fit specific thermal processes. The research aims to answer the questions (i) which Digital Fabrication processes are vital to realizing the hypothesis, and (ii) how much of an impact on carbon emissions can such applications have.




FCL Global: Powering the City – Urban Building Integrated Photovoltaic