Building Integrated Photovoltaics

Team /
Maximilian Gester, Dr. Illias Hischier, Justin McCarty, Ayca Duran, Dr. Alina Galimshina, Dr. Christoph Waibel, Prof. Dr. Arno Schlueter,

Publications /
1 / L. Walker et al., A novel design framework for solar thermal/electrical activation of building envelopes, 2019 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1343 012085,
2 / J. McCarty et al., Do we need a saw? Carbon-based analysis of facade BIPV performance under partial shading from nearby trees , 2023 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2600 042002,
3/ M. Gester et al., Upscaling potential of BIPV for public housing typologies in Singapore, 2023,  J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2600 042008,

Workshops /
1 / BIPV Workshop 2021
2 / BIPV Workshop 2022

PV is one of the key technologies in a decarbonized energy landscape. By exploiting a physical phenomenon known as the photovoltaic effect, PV cells can convert sunlight into electricity without emitting any CO2. In contrast to conventional fossil-fuel based generators which are more efficient the larger they are, PVs can be deployed efficiently in all scales, from large solar farms to solar-powered smart watches. Contrasting to common belief, PVs do not have to come in the standard blue/black colours, which are often perceived as not aesthetically pleasing. In fact, PVs do not any longer need to be accepted as standard products. On the contrary, we embrace them as a novel design material that offers new forms of architectural languages of the “Post Anthropocene”.

We develop localized and optimized BIPV facade design proposals of architectural quality. Our research includes the construction detailing, electrical architecture, string layout, and systems integration. Furthermore, we develop prototypes up to the 1:1 scale to conduct on-site performance testing. We collaborate with industry and research partners, and disseminate our BIPV research to students in specialized workshops, courses and design studios.

Over the past years, we have organized the BIPV Workshop as part of our teaching curriculum. See the program and results on the following links:


Innosuisse Flagship: Think Earth - Regenerative Building


NCCR DFAB / Integrated 3D Printed Facade